We develop with you a individual concept.
From full service, repair work, paint work, and professional detailing to arranging finance for your commercial vehicle.
To guarantee you the usual high quality standard and date security we offer only few vehicles that are older than 5 - 6 years or have been driven more than 1 million km!
In our offer you find the complete range of utility vehicles.
From skip loaders, container chassis, tippers, and heavy duty truck tractors as well as tipping hydraulics, we have everything.
As an authorized Müller Mitteltal dealer, we are naturally also your point of contact for low loaders with 2, 3, 4, or 5 axles, tandem low loaders, 11.9 / 14.4 or 18 ton tipper trailers, low loader semi trailers, container sled trailers, container chassis, and much more.